When She Leads Conference


October 18-19, 2024 | Murrieta Hot Springs Resort | Murrieta, California

The When She Leads Conference 2024 is for every woman who serves and leads in all aspects of life. Our theme this year is “Jesus Through the Eyes of Women” featuring author and theologian Rebecca McLaughlin.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father,  full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14 (ESV)



Group Rate is now available!



Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London.

Rebecca McLaughlin holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is the author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion (2019), which was named book of the year by Christianity Today, and of 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity (2021), The Secular Creed: Engaging 5 Contemporary Claims (2021), and Is Christmas Unbelievable? Four Questions Everyone Should Ask About the World's Most Famous Story (2021). She lives in Cambridge Massachusetts with her husband Bryan, and their three children.

Brenda Leavenworth

Brenda Leavenworth is an author and speaker based in Temecula, California. Her passion is
to help women grow in their knowledge and understanding of Scripture as they pursue
Christian maturity.

Brenda Leavenworth is an author and speaker based in Temecula, California. Her passion is to help women grow in their knowledge and understanding of Scripture as they pursue Christian maturity. She enjoys traveling the globe to share God’s Word and has written
several in-depth Bible studies, including her 2016 release of Proverbs 31 study, Far Above Rubies. Brenda holds a master’s degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Christian Leadership from Calvary Chapel University and has joined their staff as an
adjunct professor. As the host of When She Leads podcast, Brenda actively and passionately discusses the complexities and realities of leading ministry as a woman. Married to Ted Leavenworth, who serves as the Senior Pastor of Reliance Church,
together they share three adult children and ten grandchildren. Brenda currently serves and loves her community as the Director of Women’s Ministry at her home church.

Christy Duff

Christy Duff is a pastor’s wife at The Garden Fellowship, where her husband, Jason, is the pastor.

Christy Duff is a pastor’s wife at The Garden Fellowship, where her husband, Jason, is the pastor. She and Jason have been married for 22 years and they have 3 beautiful children- 20 year old Haley, 18 year old Jonathan, and 16 year old Aleah. She has a passion for women to grow in the Lord through His Word, and is blessed to be able to travel and speak to encourage them to do just that!

Kelly Bell

Kelly has been married to Brian, Senior Pastor of Calvary Murrieta, for 40 years. They have two children and 5 grands!

Kelly has been married to Brian, Senior Pastor of Calvary Murrieta, for 40 years. They have two children and 5 grands!
Kelly has been the Director of Women’s Ministry at Calvary for over 35 years and loves what she does. She has a passion to see women grow in their faith and become doers of the Word, not hearers only. She is a teacher, a devotional writer, and author of a Bible Study series called “Reasons to Rejoice.”
Concerning Human Trafficking and other injustices, she has a passion to advocate for the rights of the oppressed and exploited, and to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Kelly feels compelled to do whatever she can to help “ensure justice for those being crushed.” (Proverbs 31:8-9) Kelly volunteers for the Riverside County’s Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force whenever possible and oversees the Justice Ministry at her church, working to help people figure out how to use their gifts, talents, and finances in fighting this battle. She also loves to serve in her community and volunteers with various other organizations, including the local chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Rebirth Homes, California Family Life Center, and the Murrieta Food Pantry.
As far as hobbies go, Kelly loves to run, cycle, hike, and anything else that burns calories! She loves to read, eat, play with her grandkids, travel, go to the beach, and find ways to share Jesus with her world!

Meka Buffington

Meka Buffington serves with her husband, Bill Buffington, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Inglewood. Meka holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education Leadership

Meka Buffington serves with her husband, Bill Buffington, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Inglewood. They have been married for over 25 years, have four young-adult children, and one grandchild. Their older son was diagnosed with autism as a toddler. Providing biblical support and encouragement to families touched by special needs is a ministry that is close to her heart. Meka holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education Leadership. She is the Director of Women’s Ministry and leads the Children’s Ministry. Meka has a passion for teaching God’s word, discipling women to grow in their relationship with Christ, writing Bible curriculum for children, and training servants/leaders to plant the seed of God’s word in the heart of young ones.

Rosemary Cady

Rosemary lives in Longmont, Colorado, where she serves as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at White Fields Community Church.

Rosemary lives in Longmont, Colorado, where she serves as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at White Fields Community Church. Her husband, Nick, serves as Lead Pastor. They have four wonderful children; each having a unique testimony of God’s grace in their lives. Growing up in Oceanside, California, Rosemary is a first-generation American, which made life an adventure and caused her to grow in appreciation for the USA. She came to know the Lord at the end of high school, and started attending Calvary Chapel in Vista, California, where she had the privilege of serving the Lord as a youth group leader. She then spent 14 years serving as a missionary in Hungary, church planting with Calvary Chapel. Rosemary enjoys hiking, running, cooking, traveling, gardening, teaching the Bible, and most of all: spending time with family.

Krista Fox

Krista is originally from Denver, CO where she served in ministry with their first church plant until they left for the mission field.

Krista is originally from Denver, CO where she served in ministry with their first church plant until they left for the mission field. She and her family, her husband Kyle of 22 years and their 2 sons, lived and served as missionaries in the Amazonian region of Brazil in Belem, Para for 8 years. She and her husband planted Calvary Chapel Belém where Krista also served as the women’s ministry leader as well as developed and led the Proverbs 24:11 ministry (a ministry dedicated to individuals involved in human trafficking and prostitution). The Proverbs 24:11 ministry continues to be used in Brazil, California and is implemented in other parts of the world as a training and resource tool for similar ministries. Krista and her family have currently transitioned from the missions field to Southern California.
Krista has been involved in ministry for over 16 years. She has a masters degree in counseling and is currently pursuing her doctorate’s degree in Counseling:Traumatology. Her heart’s desire is to see the hurt healed and walking with the Lord. She is currently developing a new ministry, Applied Care for Trauma (ACT), which offers trainings and encouragement to churches/ministries who desire to counsel/disciple and be more trauma informed for the hurting people in their care in a Biblical, practical and effective manner.

Robin Lewis

Robin has been involved with Calvary Chapel and Calvary Chapel Schools community, currently serving in the Financial Department in Costa Mesa, California.

Robin has been involved with Calvary Chapel and Calvary Chapel Schools community, currently serving in the Financial Department in Costa Mesa, California. A graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College (Class of 2003), she has spent over two decades contributing to the college's serving in both Finance and Human Resources, along with teaching Biblical Hebrew I and II, Ruth and Esther, Women in Church History, Song of Solomon, and Proverbs 31.

Years ago, her son's simple yet profound reminder to ‘Cast all your cares on Him' transformed her life. This revelation inspired her to lead a life of service, marked by her involvement in various ministries, including greeting, audiovisual support, bulletin preparation, Middle School Ministry, and Women's Ministry.

As a single woman, Robin's unwavering commitment is to Christ and His kingdom. Her dedication to living a Christlike life guides her in all aspects of her service.

Grace Worholic

Grace is a Bible teacher and ministry leader in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Grace is a Bible teacher and ministry leader in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas has been home for the last ten years, with nine of those years having been spent planting and establishing Paradise Calvary Chapel with her husband and lead pastor, Timothy Warholic. Prior to moving to Las Vegas, Grace and Timothy spent ten years in Eastern Europe, with the large part of that time church planting in Croatia. Grace and Timothy also have five children, ranging from eight years old to sixteen. Grace is passionate about studying, understanding and teaching scripture; she is currently finishing her last year of studies to obtain her Master’s in Advanced Biblical Leadership at Western Seminary, and hopes to continue with an emphasis on original languages and ancient Near Eastern culture. Grace leads the women’s and children’s ministries at Paradise Calvary, she also helps with counseling, discipleship and leadership development. The last five years she has enjoyed teaching 9th grade Old Testament Survey and Worldview at a private Christian school where her children also attend. Besides enjoying the normal day to day family life, Grace loves traveling with her husband (especially to encourage friends and missionaries), coffee and reading.

Shirley Ruiz

Shirley Ruiz is the Church Administrator at Reliance Church.

Shirley Ruiz is the Church Administrator at Reliance Church. Her position entails managing the church office and its staff, as well as assisting ministry leaders with organizational facilitation. Shirley previously served as the Youth Ministry Administrator at Revival Christian Fellowship for 5 years. Before that, Shirley was the CFO for Family Business in Washington for 5 years.

Faith Wake

Faith is a gifted graphic designer, artist, musician and serves as the Worship Director at Reliance.

Faith is a gifted graphic designer, artist, musician and serves as the Worship Director at Reliance. Born into a ministry family, Faith grew up as a Third Culture Kid in California, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates, gleaning from the “ins and outs” of ministry in different cultural and denominational contexts. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Theology and is a perpetual student of God’s presence and leading in the life of His Church.

Tami Peña

Tami has extensive experience in her position, as she has served over 20 years in children’s ministry leadership

Tami Peña has served faithfully in the children’s ministry at Reliance Church since 2009 as the Reliance Kids’ Director. Tami has extensive experience in her position, as she has served over 20 years in children’s ministry leadership. She loves Jesus and His kids. Fittingly, Tami became a Christian at the age of 4 while attending a Vacation Bible School. She has carried with her a lifelong passion to help children know and to serve Jesus.

Ashly Czaja

Ashly Czaja serves alongside her husband Levy who is the high school pastor at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar, CA where she also leads worship.

Ashly Czaja is a lover of Jesus, worship, coffee + food! She is a new mom to a sweet baby girl and serves alongside her husband Levy who is the high school pastor at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar, CA where she also leads worship. She has been serving with youth since 2015 in various ways and loves to share both practical and spiritual aspects she has learned along the way!

Denise Salvato & Yvonne Cottage

Denise and Yvonne are from Calvary Vista where they have the privilege and joy of partnering together to lead the Women’s Ministry.

Denise and Yvonne are from Calvary Vista where they have the privilege and joy of partnering together to lead the Women’s Ministry. In the roles of overseer and administrator, Denise and Yvonne have made it their goal to help equip women to abide in Christ and abound in fruitful living.

Michelle Wright

Michelle Wright is the Director of Operations for Calvary Global Network and has worked with the lead pastors of Calvary Chapels all over the world.

Michelle Wright is the Director of Operations for Calvary Global Network and has worked with the lead pastors of Calvary Chapels all over the world. She has been involved in many aspects of ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa since 2008. She works closely with the CGN Executive Leadership team to coordinate events, leadership training, church planting, and more! While Michelle’s passion is proclaiming the Gospel, she has a special place in her heart for working with women and single mothers.

Jasmine Boucher

Jasmine is an Army National Guard veteran, mom of two, and wife who loves to spend time with her family and friends.

Jasmine is an Army National Guard veteran, mom of two, and wife who loves to spend time with her family and friends. She loves to watch cooking shows and download recipes she will never make! Her real passion is teaching children about their Heavenly Father and watching them grow in their relationship with the Lord. As the Director of Calvary Kids, she oversees and coordinates 75 volunteers over four services throughout the week. She aims to lead fairly and consistently while modeling leadership for her teen and adult volunteers. From VBS to Christmas plays to summer events, she strives to keep all Calvary Kids engaged in fun activities that point them to Jesus and knowing Him better.


Loneliness in Ministry

Have you ever noticed that loneliness doesn’t require solitude? Feeling alone even in the midst of relationships and thriving ministries is not uncommon, abnormal, or new. In this workshop we’ll explore the lives of a few Biblical friends who had threads of loneliness woven throughout their days. Their written stories teach us how to avoid weakening patterns as well as instilling habits that lead us to the contentment and comfort found in the love of God.

Biblical Leadership

When identifying potential leaders, what qualities should we seek? How do we disciple and improve leaders once they’re recognized and appointed? Join us for a discussion on a biblical framework of leadership. Let’s uncover common misconceptions and pitfalls and develop successful strategies for raising up leaders.

Women’s Ministry

What are the building blocks of an effective Women’s Ministry? Whether you’re new to women’s ministry or are looking to reinvigorate or broaden your vision, there are helpful tools we can all gather as we seek to faithfully serve the women in our churches, our communities, and our world!

Church Hurt

The Body of Christ is made up of individuals saved by grace, yet some have experienced pain within the church community. Together let’s seek how to support those who have been wounded by church experiences and explore Jesus’ compassionate approach to their healing.

Multi-Generational Discipleship

How does the household of faith set a table across older and younger generations, and what steps can we take to bridge any divides? Let’s discuss how we can embody the Gospel that welcomes and honors saints of all ages to display the manifold grace of God.

Jesus > Culture

The teachings of Jesus are not intimidated by the shifting culture or the confrontation of the world. At the same time, we cannot separate His words from His radical compassion for sinners. Let’s search the Scriptures and uncover the heart of Christ together.

Effective Bible Teaching

How can you increase your effectiveness as a Bible teacher? We will discuss topics including preparation and presentation to help you bring God’s Word to your listeners in a powerful way.

Navigating Tensions

The Christian life is often characterized by tension as we live as citizens of heaven on earth. As we follow and serve Jesus, we will encounter relational and cultural tensions, even with fellow believers. Let’s seek God’s heart for wisdom in navigating these challenges, fostering interpersonal growth, and pursuing unity as peacemakers and heralds of the Gospel of reconciliation.

Round Table Discussions

In lieu of choosing a breakout session, you’re invited to join a round table discussion to explore various important topics within our church communities. These round table discussions will take place during our breakout session times. Let’s share our experiences, ask questions, and collaborate on how we can strengthen these vital aspects of our church ministries together. When She Leads leaders will be present to guide the conversations. Round table discussions are available for:

  • Worship
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Church Administration
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Youth / Young Adult Ministry


REVO Collective

REVO Collective is a collaborative worship project based out of Southern California that is made up of worship leaders and musicians from different churches and denominations. We exist to embody what it means to be made one in Christ, partnering with the local and global Church through the ministry of Spirit-filled praise and worship as opportunities arise. With our pursuit of unity, we resist what divides us, seek to refresh the saints, and make the Gospel known to the seeking—all to the glory of God.

REVO Collective is a collaborative worship project based out of Southern California that is made up of worship leaders and musicians from different churches and denominations. We exist to embody what it means to be made one in Christ, partnering with the local and global Church through the ministry of Spirit-filled praise and worship as opportunities arise. With our pursuit of unity, we resist what divides us, seek to refresh the saints, and make the Gospel known to the seeking—all to the glory of God.


Regular Price: $129*

Group Rate: 15% off for groups 7+

*Conference pricing does not include lodging (see Accommodations for suggested stays). Tickets are non-refundable after September 1st. Ticket transfers are available.

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You are invited to explore these excellent accommodation options for the conference.

Murrieta Hot Springs Resort

Book today | SEE RATES HERE

Hampton Inn & Suites Murrieta Temecula

Special rate available until September 20th | SEE RATES HERE

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4:30 pm – Check In

6:30 pm – Main Session


8:00 am – Continental Breakfast

9:00 am – Main Session

10:30 am –  Breakout Rotation

11:30 am – Lunch

1:00 pm – Team Debrief

2:00 pm – Breakout Rotation

3:15 pm – Main Session

4:30pm – Conference Concludes

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