When She Leads

We desire to equip, encourage and connect women servant-leaders.

October 20-21, 2023 | Murrieta Hot Springs Resort | Murrieta, California

This 2023 When She Leads Conference, featuring Ruth Chou Simons, is for every woman serving in ministry!

Our theme is, “Equipped for a Purpose”, taken from Hebrews 13:20-21.


“Now may the God of peace—who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood, may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen”. (NLT)


Ruth Chou Simons

Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease.

Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through her online shoppe at GraceLaced.com and her social media community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys—their greatest adventure.

Brenda Leavenworth

Brenda Leavenworth is an author and speaker based in Temecula, California. Her passion is
to help women grow in their knowledge and understanding of Scripture as they pursue
Christian maturity.

Brenda Leavenworth is an author and speaker based in Temecula, California. Her passion is
to help women grow in their knowledge and understanding of Scripture as they pursue
Christian maturity. She enjoys traveling the globe to share God’s Word and has written
several in-depth Bible studies, including her 2016 release of Proverbs 31 study, Far
Above Rubies. Brenda holds a master’s degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in
Christian Leadership from Calvary Chapel University and has joined their staff as an
adjunct professor. As the host of When She Leads podcast, Brenda actively and
passionately discusses the complexities and realities of leading ministry as a woman.
Married to Ted Leavenworth, who serves as the Senior Pastor of Reliance Church,
together they share three adult children and ten grandchildren. Brenda currently serves
and loves her community as the Director of Women’s Ministry at her home church.

Christy Duff

Christy Duff is a pastor’s wife at The Garden Fellowship, where her husband, Jason, is the pastor.

Christy Duff is a pastor’s wife at The Garden Fellowship, where her husband, Jason, is the pastor. She and Jason have been married for 22 years and they have 3 beautiful children- 20 year old Haley, 18 year old Jonathan, and 16 year old Aleah. She has a passion for women to grow in the Lord through His Word, and is blessed to be able to travel and speak to encourage them to do just that!

Annie Harley

Annie Harley serves as Director of Calvary Women at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. She is passionate about women discovering their purpose and being mobilized towards world-change.

Annie Harley serves as Director of Calvary Women at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. She is passionate about women discovering their purpose and being mobilized towards world-change. She attended Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe in Vajta, Hungary and Azusa Pacific University, where she studied Christian Ministries. Originally born in Southern California, she loves traveling and experiencing the impact of the local church globally. She hosts leadership courses, activates women towards serving the community locally and globally, and building meaningful relationships through groups. She leads a team of women who host a bi-annual event, The Gathering, which is designed for girls of all generations to gather together to grow and go!

Grace Worholic

Grace is a Bible teacher and ministry leader in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas has been home for the last ten years, with nine of those years having been spent planting and establishing Paradise Calvary Chapel with her husband, Timothy Warholic.

Grace is a Bible teacher and ministry leader in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas has been home for the last ten years, with nine of those years having been spent planting and establishing Paradise Calvary Chapel with her husband and lead pastor, Timothy Warholic. Prior to moving to Las Vegas, Grace and Timothy spent ten years in Eastern Europe, with the large part of that time church planting in Croatia. Grace and Timothy also have five children, ranging from eight years old to sixteen. Grace is passionate about studying, understanding and teaching scripture; she is currently finishing her last year of studies to obtain her Master’s in Advanced Biblical Leadership at Western Seminary, and hopes to continue with an emphasis on original languages and ancient Near Eastern culture. Grace leads the women’s and children’s ministries at Paradise Calvary, she also helps with counseling, discipleship and leadership development. The last five years she has enjoyed teaching 9th grade Old Testament Survey and Worldview at a private Christian school where her children also attend. Besides enjoying the normal day to day family life, Grace loves traveling with her husband (especially to encourage friends and missionaries), coffee and reading.

Kelly Bell

Kelly is the Director of Women’s Ministry and has a passion to see women grow in their faith and become doers of the Word. She is a teacher, a writer, and the author of a Bible Study series called “Reasons to Rejoice.”

Kelly Bell has been married to Brian, Senior Pastor of Calvary Murrieta, for 39 years. They have two children and five grandchildren. Kelly is the Director of Women’s Ministry and has a passion to see women grow in their faith and become doers of the Word. She is a teacher, a writer, and the author of a Bible Study series called “Reasons to Rejoice.” Kelly oversees their Justice Ministry and has a passion to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensuring justice for those being crushed.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). She volunteers with various other community organizations such as ICA, Rebirth Homes, and the Murrieta Food Pantry. Kelly loves to run, cycle, hike, read, eat, play with her grandkids, travel, go to the beach, and find ways to share Jesus with her world!

Rosemary Cady

Rosemary lives in Longmont, Colorado, where she serves as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at White Fields Community Church.

Rosemary lives in Longmont, Colorado, where she serves as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at White Fields Community Church. Her husband, Nick, serves as Lead Pastor. They have four wonderful children; each having a unique testimony of God’s grace in their lives. Growing up in Oceanside, California, Rosemary is a first-generation American, which made life an adventure and caused her to grow in appreciation for the USA. She came to know the Lord at the end of high school, and started attending Calvary Chapel in Vista, California, where she had the privilege of serving the Lord as a youth group leader. She then spent 14 years serving as a missionary in Hungary, church planting with Calvary Chapel. Rosemary enjoys hiking, running, cooking, traveling, gardening, teaching the Bible, and most of all: spending time with family.

Sonia Trujillo

Sonia Trujillo is the senior pastor’s wife at Calvary Chapel South Los Angeles. She and her husband have been doing ministry in the inner-city for over twenty years.

Sonia Trujillo is the senior pastor’s wife at Calvary Chapel South Los Angeles. She and her husband have been doing ministry in the inner-city for over twenty years. They have been married for twenty nine years and have three grown children and three grandchildren. They have a desire to share the hope of God with everyone, including those whose lives have been impacted by a life of gangs, drugs, crimes and incarceration.

Meka Buffington

Meka Buffington serves with her husband, Bill Buffington, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Inglewood. Meka holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education Leadership.

Meka Buffington serves with her husband, Bill Buffington, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Inglewood. They have been married for over 25 years, have four young-adult children, and one grandchild. Their older son was diagnosed with autism as a toddler. Providing biblical support and encouragement to families touched by special needs is a ministry that is close to her heart. Meka holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education Leadership. She is the Director of Women’s Ministry and leads the Children’s Ministry. Meka has a passion for teaching God’s word, discipling women to grow in their relationship with Christ, writing Bible curriculum for children, and training servants/leaders to plant the seed of God’s word in the heart of young ones.

Krista Fox

Krista serves as the women’s ministry leader and leads the Proverbs 24:11 ministry, a ministry dedicated to individuals involved in human trafficking and prostitution.

Krista and her family recently served as missionaries in the Amazonian region of Brazil in Belem, Para for 4 years. She and her husband Kyle have been married for 20 years. They planted Calvary Chapel Belem where Kyle is the pastor and Krista serves as the women’s ministry leader and leads the Proverbs 24:11 ministry, a ministry dedicated to individuals involved in human trafficking and prostitution.


Cost: Early Bird Pricing of $90 until August 20, 2023. After August 20, 2023, the regular price will be $110.* Lodging at Murrieta Hot Springs Resort is not included.

You will have the option of adding a lunch for an additional $12.

*Tickets are non-refundable after September 1st. Transfers are available.

Group Rate: Take 10% off for your group of seven or more! (Can be applied to early bird pricing.)



When She Leads invites any resources, organizations, ministries, and/or vendors that would like to participate in this year’s West Coast Conference to complete the form listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your frequently asked questions by clicking the button below!


Murrieta Hot Springs Resort cannot accommodate overnight guests at this time. We would suggest that you use the hotels below for your accommodations.

Staybridge Suites Temecula
27500 Jefferson Ave
Temecula, CA

Hampton Inn Murrieta
25140 Hancock Ave.
Murrieta, CA 92562


Revo Collective

REVO Collective is a collaborative worship project based out of Southern California that is made up of worship leaders and musicians from different churches and denominations. We exist to embody what it means to be made one in Christ, partnering with the local and global Church through the ministry of Spirit-filled praise and worship as opportunities arise. With our pursuit of unity, we resist what divides us, seek to refresh the saints, and make the Gospel known to the seeking—all to the glory of God.

Breakout Sessions

Navigating Gender Ideology – Krista Fox

Gender ideology is sweeping through the nation, the world, and the church, leaving many ministry workers and parents wondering how to respond to issues of gender in their ministries and in their homes. This session will discuss how to deal with gender ideology Biblically and to minister to those who are struggling in this. 

Leadership Development and Mobilization – Annie Harley 

Are you on a mission and wanting to bring others along? Together, we’ll explore practical ways to mobilize women towards serving your community. Let’s learn how to create a culture of world-changing women!

Faithful not Frazzled – Meka Buffington

Getting frazzled is so easy as life and ministry pull you in many different directions. Let’s learn to use examples from God’s word and other proven organization and time management techniques to ditch frazzled and embrace faithful. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish for His kingdom.

Teaching the Bible – Sonia Trujillo 

Understanding the power and importance of teaching God’s Word, we will be looking at the purpose, methods, and dangers of being a teacher of God’s Word.

Battling Insecurities in Ministry – Kelly Bell

Many of us struggle with some form of insecurity during our ministry life. Perhaps we don’t feel like we are gifted, qualified, creative, or simply “enough” to do what we feel God wants us to do. Certainly, there must be someone else better equipped. Take heart, friends! God has called you and equipped you for a purpose. Join the discussion about where to find our real security and learn how to battle all the feelings and emotions that can lead to doubt, fear, and defeat.

Creating and Sustaining Ministry Culture – Rosemary Cady

Culture is everywhere, and all of our churches have their own culture: our ways of speaking, thinking, and behaving. Everyone is affected by the culture they experience at your church. Is your culture what you desire it to be? Is it Christ-centered? Come and learn how to identify your church’s culture and how to shape it.

Discovering, Developing and Exercising your Spiritual Gifts – Brenda Leavenworth

Spiritual gifts play a huge role in our Christianity and are foundational to our faith. As the Holy Spirit distributes these gifts, it is our responsibility and privilege to exercise them wherever He leads, according to His prompting and will. Come get a full understanding of your unique, God-given abilities, as we deeply explore discovering, developing, and exercising our spiritual gifts.

The Church’s Response to Depression and Suicide – Krista Fox

No one is immune from depression. Sadness, loneliness, and brokenness can affect all of us. How the church and its ministry workers respond to those who are hurting and depressed is important to care for those we minister to. This session will look at how the church can respond to the very real issues in the church of depression and suicide in an effective, caring, and Biblical way.

The Purpose and Priority of Theology – Grace Worholic

What comes to mind when you think about God? Theology forms our ideas and opinions about who God is, and these opinions and ideas are foundational in shaping how we function as faithful Jesus followers. Theology can be an intimidating word, but the study of God is one that every Christian is invited to dive into. This workshop will give you a basic overview of theology, as well as practical tools to enable further individual and group studies.

Navigating Unplanned Rest – Christy Duff

In the busy, exciting, and seemingly fruitful times of life, we tend to long for moments of refreshing respite. Still, when God intentionally slows our lives down, we can quickly begin to feel discouraged, useless, set aside, and unwanted. In this workshop, we’ll press into the Biblical examples of Sabbath rests and the life of Joseph to see what God might be seeking to accomplish as we wait on Him in the hidden stillness.


4:30 PM Check In
6:00 PM Main Session 1
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Main Session 2
11:00 AM Breakout Rotation 1
12:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Breakout Rotation 2
3:00 PM Main Session 3
4:30 PM Dismissal

The When She Leads Podcast Team

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