July 14-15, 2023 |Carraig Centre| Cork, Ireland
This When She Leads conference is for every woman serving in ministry or volunteering in the church. Our theme this year is, Breaking New Ground, taken from Hosea 10:12 – “Sow for yourselves with a view to righteousness, harvest in accordance with kindness, break up your uncultivated ground for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and rains righteousness on you” (NASB)
As we gather, our focus is threefold:
- First, we are asking God to break new ground in equipping us for this cultural moment.
- Second, we are asking God to break new ground in discovering new territories, new fields, and new ministries.
- And third, we are asking God to break new ground in our communities, where we want to meet new people and establish new friendships, so we can partner together for the furtherance of the gospel.

Calvary Napa. She is married to Senior Pastor Rob Rainey and they have two young daughters.
She recently began teaching middle school English and history at a Christian school and earned
her M.A. in Biblical studies from Calvary Chapel University. She is passionate about teaching
God’s Word to women.

Cost: 20€ with lunch included.
Payment Options: (Exchange rates may apply)
- Pay in cash when you arrive.
- Pay with a credit card online. (Exchange rates may apply)
Leonardo Hotel (Jury’s Inn Cork)
Anderson’s Quay
Centre, Cork, T12 DCR9, Ireland
Phone: +353 21 494 3000
€193.50 Standard Double and Single
Clayton Hotel
Lapp’s Quay
Cork, T12 RD6E, Ireland
Phone: +353 21 422 4900
€239.00 Triple, Double, and Single
Ashley Hotel
Coburg Street
Cork City, T23 X9AK, Ireland
Phone: +353 (0)21 450 1518
€170 Classic Double and Single

Sara has been in the leadership and administration of discipleship programs, internships, and various women's ministries, and she loves to teach the Bible. She is passionate about discipleship and team-building.
In her free time, she enjoys watching movies on the couch with her husband and daughter.
Sara Holiday currently serves as the Worship Director at Reliance church. She firmly believes the mission, vision, and values of a worship community should be to know Him and make Him known through music paired with relational living. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”
Sara has been in the leadership and administration of discipleship programs, internships, and various women’s ministries, and she loves to teach the Bible. She is passionate about discipleship and team-building.
In her free time, she enjoys watching movies on the couch with her husband and daughter.
Friday, July 14
6:30 pm Check-In
7:30 pm Main Session 1
Saturday, July 15
9:00 am Doors Open
10:00 am Main Session 2
12:00-1:00 Breakout Sessions
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 pm Main Session 3
3:00 Live Q & A Panel
3:30 pm Close in Worship